Info: all about the Midlist


Since the start of the Dutch charts in 1956 The Netherlands always had multiple different national charts and that was very confusing and obscure. That is why since 1994 the Midlist exists, the average hitlist of The Netherlands, an independent and quick chart that reflects the on an average best sold, most downloaded, most broadcasted, most streamed and most popular singles. The name "Midlist" is a combination of the Dutch word "gemiddelde", which means average, and the English word "hitlist".

In the end of 1994 I also started composing the Dance Midlist, the average dance charts of The Netherlands, because at that time a second national dance hitlist was launched. This national hitlist stopped in the end of 1996, started again in April 1998 and finally ended in July 1999.

Since the autumn of 1997 is the Midlist online, as one of the first Dutch hitlist pages on the Internet: first on a free website, later from summer 1998 on the webserver of my ISP and since 2 December 2000 with professional webhosting.

Per November 2003, the mobile Midlist site started, with weekly the recent Midlist in smartphone format.

On 16 November 2010 the ASP.NET version of the Midlist site went live, with the Midlist, Dance Midlist, year end charts and hit fact archives direct on the concerning page; links to YouTube video clips on all single pages; better findability; an RSS feed, Twitter/ X page and full mobile site. is now really .NET!

On November 28, 12012 the new design of the Midlist site went online!

21 February 2021 got a responsive webdesign update (for a better user experience on especially mobile devices), and the links to YouTube videos were replaced by Spotify tracks.


  • Weekly the average charts positions of common records (cd singles and downloads) in the source charts are calculated and sorted ascending on their average.
  • Because a single is only a real hit if it is a hit "everywhere", a single has to be listed in ALL source charts at once to be considered for a Midlist listing, independent of its position or its number of votes.
  • If more singles have the same average position, a shorter listing in the source charts decides a higher Midlist position, to get a faster and newer hitlist. If even the number of weeks of a single is the same, according to the source charts, the faster climbing or slower falling single settles the matter.
  • If one ore more source charts are not published in one week, for example due to holidays, then source charts are combined to a Midlist over two weeks. If even source charts are not published for more weeks (for example in some years the 3fm Mega Top 50 around the 3fm Serious Request action and the Mega Top 100 of the year), then the Midlist is composed temporarily out of the remaining charts.
  • From 12 Januari 2012, the latest Midlist was not composed anymore on Tuesdays out of the Single Top 100 of Fridays, the 3fm Mega Top 50 of Saturdays and the Media Markt Top 40 of Tuesdays, but on Saturdays out of the Media Markt Top 40 of Thurdays, the Single Top 100 of Fridays and the 3fm Mega Top 50 of Saturdays. The first Saturday Midlist was the combined one of week 1/ 2, 2012.
  • Midlist data in year end charts and year end hit facts (except "all time hit facts") runs from 2 January until 1 January. So if a year's last Midlist falls after 1 January, this Midlist data will be included in next year's year end charts and next year's year end hit facts.
  • On 31 August 2019, 3fm broadcasted the last Mega Top 50; the charts continue as more alternative Mega Top 30. Since those charts do not have 30 matching records with the other source charts, from week 36, September 6, 2019, the Midlist will be composed on Fridays out of the Top 40 of Thursdays and the Single Top 100 of Fridays.


start period end period source charts composer(s) based on
04-07-1994 24-04-2000 Rabo Top 40 Stichting Nederlandse Top 40/ Mega Charts cd single sales (retail, industry)
04-07-1994 16-12-1996 Mega Top 50 Stichting Mega Top 50 cd single sales (1 week)
08-01-1996 28-08-2000 Veronica Top 100 Countdown Veronica cd single sales, votes
30-12-1996 16-12-2002 Mega Top 100 Stichting Mega Top 100/ Mega Charts cd single sales (2 weeks; barcodes, index)
01-05-2000 19-02-2001 Top 40 Stichting Nederlandse Top 40/ Mega Charts cd single sales (retail, industry)/ airplay (Sky Radio, Radio 3FM, Radio 538, Veronica FM, TMF, MTV)
04-09-2000 12-02-2001 Veronica Top 100 Veronica cd single sales, votes
26-02-2001 18-02-2003 Wanadoo Top 40 Stichting Nederlandse Top 40/ Mega Charts cd single sales (retail, industry)/ airplay (Sky Radio, Radio 3FM, Radio 538, Yorin FM, TMF, MTV)
30-12-2002 27-04-2004 Mega Top 50 Mega Charts/ GfK Mega Charts sales (barcodes, index)
25-02-2003 04-01-2011 Top 40 Stichting Nederlandse Top 40/ SoundAware cd single sales (retail, industry: Free Record Shop Holding, Music Store), legal downloads, airplay (Radio 538, 3fm, Noordzee FM/ Qmusic, SLAM! FM, TMF), consumer research (CMO Continu Muziek Onderzoek)
04-05-2004 01-07-2010 3fm Mega Top 50 GfK Mega Charts/ GfK Dutch Charts airplay data (3fm, MTV), physical cd single sales/ legal downloads
01-07-2010 01-09-2012 3fm Mega Top 50 SoundAware airplay data, physical cd single sales/ legal downloads
04-05-2004 29-06-2013 Single Top 100 GfK Mega Charts/ GfK Dutch Charts cd single sales (1 week), legal downloads (iTunes, Radio 538, Tiscali, Free Record Shop, Music Store, Wanadoo, Planet Internet, Chello, MSN,, Music Now,, Dance Tunes, TMF, MTV)
11-01-2011 17-02-2014 Media Markt Top 40 Stichting Nederlandse Top 40/ SoundAware cd single sales (retail, industry: Free Record Shop Holding, Music Store), legal downloads, airplay (3fm, Radio 538, Qmusic, SLAM! FM, TMF), consumer research (CMO Continu Muziek Onderzoek)
01-09-2012 11-06-2016 3fm Mega Top 50 SoundAware downloads (iTunes), streaming data (Spotify), airplay data (Radio 538, 3fm, Sky Radio, Radio 2, Qmusic, 100% NL, SLAM! FM)
06-07-2013 * Single Top 100 (GfK) Dutch Charts legal downloads (iTunes, Radio 538,, streaming data (Spotify, Deezer, Ziggo Muziek, XBox Music)
17-02-2014 10-01-2015 Media Markt Top 40 Stichting Nederlandse Top 40/ SoundAware airplay (Radio 538, Sky Radio, 3fm, Qmusic, 100% NL, SLAM! FM), streaming data (Spotify, Deezer, Juke), consumer research (CMO Continu Muziek Onderzoek)
10-01-2015 01-01-2016 Media Markt Top 40 Stichting Nederlandse Top 40/ SoundAware airplay (Radio 538, Sky Radio, NPO 3FM, Qmusic, 100% NL, SLAM! FM), streaming data (Spotify, Deezer, Juke), social media trends (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube), consumer research (CMO Continu Muziek Onderzoek)
01-01-2016 29-12-2018 Media Markt Top 40 Stichting Nederlandse Top 40/ SoundAware airplay (Radio 538, Sky Radio, NPO 3FM, Qmusic, 100% NL, SLAM!), streaming data (Spotify, Deezer, Juke), social media trends (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)
11-06-2016 31-08-2019 3fm Mega Top 50 SoundAware downloads (iTunes), streaming data (Spotify, YouTube), airplay data (Radio 538, NPO 3FM, Sky Radio, NPO Radio 2, Qmusic, 100% NL, SLAM!)
05-01-2019 * Top 40 Stichting Nederlandse Top 40/ SoundAware airplay (Radio 538, NPO Radio 2, Qmusic, Sky Radio, 100% NL, NPO 3FM, SLAM!), streaming data (Spotify, Deezer, Juke), social media trends (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)
Dance Midlist
02-10-1994 15-12-1996 Dance Top 40 Stichting Nederlandse Top 40  
02-10-1994 26-03-1995 Dance Music Mega Top 30 Stiching Mega Top 50  
02-04-1995 17-12-1995 Mega Music Dance Top 30 Stiching Mega Top 50  
31-12-1995 15-12-1996 Dance Music Mega Top 30 Stiching Mega Top 50  
05-04-1998 27-06-1999 Dance Trends Stichting Nederlandse Top 40/ Mega Charts  
05-04-1998 04-10-1998 Mega Dance Music Top 25 Stichting Mega Top 100  
11-10-1998 27-06-1999 Mega Dancestore Top 25 Stichting Mega Top 100/ Mega Charts  
* present


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  1. Text link Dutch
    Midlist, de gemiddelde hitlijst van Nederland

  2. Text link English
    Midlist, the average hitlist of The Netherlands