Middossier, the stats of all Midlist singles

Middossier: the Midlist hitdossier. Search the stats with Spotify track stream links of all singles that have been listed in the Midlist or the Dance Midlist: performer, title, date of entry, highest position, number of weeks at number 1 and number of weeks listed. Advanced search

You can search:
  • one word, for example michael results in all performers and titles containing michael
  • more words, for example michael jackson results in all performers and titles containing michael or jackson
  • the exact words between quotes, for example "michael jackson" results in all performers and titles containing the exacts words "michael jackson"
  • a combination of the above, for example "michael jackson" jackson results in all performers and titles containing the exact words "michael jackson" or jackson

Last update 07-02-2025. The Midlist exists since 4 July 1994; the Dance Midlist from 27 November 1994 until 15 December 1996 and from 5 April 1998 until 27 June 1999.