As of May 2016, you can listen to the Midlist music on your computer or smartphone that is connected to the (mobile) internet, via music streaming service
Spotify (they have an app, web client and desktop client). Currently, the following playlists are
available, and the number of playlists will be extended over time:
To receive these updates directly via RSS, you need a news reader (RSS reader) in which you subscribe on an RSS feed.
For some browsers an RSS extension is available, but you can also download and install free desktop programs as
FeedReader, or use them online.
You can recognize RSS feeds by

RSS or Atom icons in browsers and on web sites. The RSS feeds of the Midlist site are:
Also, if you follow @midlist on Twitter/ X, you can receive all Midlist updates directly in your Twitter
timeline, in your Twitter desktop application, or in your iPhone/ Android app.
More information about Twitter.